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Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 is a beautiful song by Manasukkul Varuvaya. The song is about the innocent belief of a child that there are no limits to what he or she can do, that anything is possible. Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 was composed by Vijay Antony with lyrics penned by Kalaikumar Bhasi. Get this song streaming on Saavn, Gaana, Hungama and more music app like DJPremiumMp3 App, DJPremiumMusicApp and Youtube Music App. Download the song from many online service like Saavn, Gaana, Hungama and more. Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 is a pop song which took a lot of time to compose by Vijay Antony with Kalaikumar Bhasi as lyricist. Manasukkul Varuvaya along with the music directors Vijay Antony and Kalaikumar Bhasi has worked as a team to create such an amazing pop song. Source: "varupaatam. com" Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 is a soulful and refreshing pop song. It is created with synthetic and acoustic instruments like electric guitar, synth, piano and beats. The song has an amazing melody. Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 has a western melody with Indian touches to it. The composition of the song is splendid as its composed by Vijay Antony and lyrics penned by Kalaikumar Bhasi. The song has a very light touch to it which really makes it a different experience for the listener. The music of the song is composed by Vijay Antony with Kalaikumar Bhasi. Vijay Antony brought together elements of electric guitars, synthesizer and pianos in his composition. The interludes are perfect. The backing singers for the song are Neeta Nair and Sreeja Sreekumar. The lyricist Kalaikumar Bhasi has penned down the lyrics for this song with Neeta Nair and Sreeja Sreekumar singing the chorus on it. Manasukkul Varuvaya Tamil Mp3 Song 25 is a great dance number which has a mix of Indian elements while giving it an international touch to it. The music video of the song was released on 27 October 2016. The video song is a result of a close collaboration between Gaurav Reddy and GV Prakash Kumar. The music video was directed by Prem Rakshit. It is choreographed by Prem Rakshit and Shiva Chimmani , who also assisted in the direction of the music video. Jai Kishan, master of Telugu dances, did all the choreography for this song. cfa1e77820